Ring Neck (Opal Stripe) (Stripe)
Stripe Opalescent is a very well known pattern. The shape of the pieces shown here are more specific
and often times referred to as Ring Neck. For this reason I've chosen to include a listing for this pattern.
This "Ring Neck" pattern was primarily made by Hobbs Brockunier and possible additional production
by Buckeye and Northwood. Pictures of this pattern are shown in other areas of this Price Guide. The items shown are
the rare "Water Pitcher" and very rare "Sugar Shaker" and rare "Syrup". These all date to around 1890.


Ring Neck Hobbs Brockunier Pitcher * Cranberry $760.00
Ring Neck Hobbs Brockunier Sugar Shaker ** Cranberry $504.00
Ring Neck Hobbs Brockunier Syrup * Blue $350.00
Ring Neck Hobbs Brockunier Syrup * Cranberry $1,100.00

Attribution List