Ruffles & Rings with Daisy Band
This item is mentioned in other reference books as being made by Northwood
however in plain Opalescent colors it was made by Jefferson. Proof of this is illustrated
in the early catalog showing other Jefferson items made in Opalescent Glass c. 1905. This is another
pattern Northwood acquired when Jefferson moved to West Virginia.
Northwood used this mould to produce this pattern in Carnval Glass.
This pattern is much harder to find in opalescent colors.

Note: It was thought that the original Ruffles & Rings mould was altered
to include the Daisy Band at a later date. But notice below that both versions
are illustrated in the same ad next to each other. So it's clear that both versions were
being made at the same time. (See Ruffles & Rings).

Ruffles & Rings with Daisy Band Jefferson Daisy Band Bowl Blue $75.00
Ruffles & Rings with Daisy Band Jefferson Daisy Band Bowl Green $75.00
Ruffles & Rings with Daisy Band Jefferson Daisy Band Bowl White $65.00

Attribution List

Butler Brothers Catalog dated 1905