Floralore & Barbells
The item shown on the left second row is Floralore made by Northwood.
On the right is Barbells made by Jefferson. They are nearly
identical. Notice the design in the center of the base. This is the only
difference between the two patterns. A special thank you to Sid Lethbridge
for this photo comparison.

Floralore or Barbells Northwood/Jefferson Novelty Bowl Blue $65.00
Floralore or Barbells Northwood/Jefferson Novelty Bowl Green $60.00
Floralore or Barbells Northwood/Jefferson Novelty Bowl Vaseline $70.00
Floralore or Barbells Northwood/Jefferson Novelty Bowl White $50.00

Attribution List

Butler Brothers Catalog dated 1903 (All Northwood Patterns)

Butler Brothers Catalog dated 1905 (All Jefferson Patterns)