The item shown is the "Dolphin Card Receiver". The old ones made by Northwood as early as 1899 are
extremely rare. They were reproduced in large amounts by the L.G. Wright Glass Co in the 1970's.
One easy way to tell if they are reproductions, is where the tail curls to form a loop.
If the area inside the loop is solid glass, then it's an L.G. Wright reproduction. Don't let dealers tell you
otherwise. The one I've shown here is the only early Dolphin Card Receiver I've seen in over 20 years.
Notice the color of the older version. A more aqua color. The repro is a slightly darker blue.
One other thing to look for. Air bubbles. Older pieces will contain air bubbles. By the 1970s that
problem was corrected. Notice the air bubbles in the base of the original version.
Notice the side fin of the fish on the base of the older version on the left. It is wider, and straight with a line
down the center. On the repro, notice the side fin is thinner, and slightly curved. The center line is missing.

More often than not, I see this item way over valued on the reproductions.
Because this item is so popular with collectors, I felt it important
to list values separately for the Old and the Newer ones. See the early ad below.

Dolphin L.G. Wright Compote (R) Blue $75.00
Dolphin L.G. Wright Compote (R) Vaseline $85.00
Dolphin L.G. Wright Compote (R) White $55.00
Dolphin Northwood Card Receiver (Old) *** Blue $250.00
Dolphin Northwood Card Receiver (Old) *** Vaseline $300.00
Dolphin Northwood Card Receiver (Old) *** White $125.00

Attribution List

Reproduction List

Pitkin & Brooks Cataglog dated 1899