Fakes, Reproductions, and Brand New Opalescent Glass

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Opal Open (Beaded Panels) Epergne

Within the last couple years or so, I've been seeing these epergnes begin to show up in Antique Shops.
The glass piece attached to this metal candlestick was made by Northwood and then later by Dugan. The
glass piece has been destroyed by cutting off the foot, and then drilling a hole in it and attaching it to a metal
Candlestick holder. It's unclear who is responsible for doing this, but these are clearly being made to deceive
the collector into believing that this is an early Epergne. It's true that both pieces are old, but the entire epergne
as shown was not made during the Victorian era. I've seen two others now. One with a Northwood "Spokes & Wheels"
bowl attached to a Candlestick holder, and one with a small "Alaska" berry bowl attached to a Candlestick holder.
Both pieces may in fact be old, but the constructed epergne as you see it is not.

See (Opal Open) for a picture of what this glass Card Receiver actually looks like.

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