Fakes, Reproductions, and Brand New Opalescent Glass

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Inverted Fan & Feather

This pattern was originally made by Northwood Glass c. 1901
and later by Dugan in 1904. The item shown is the "Covered Sugar Bowl".
Dr. James Measell wrote an article about this Covered Sugar mold being
acquired by the Summit Glass Company and reproductions were made.
It's possible that Mosser has acquired the mold from Summit and is currently
reproducing it in Vaseline Opalescent. These have been recently showing up in
the Market Place. It's not known for sure when they were made, but speculated
sometime in the early 2000's. They may have the letter M pressed in the
glass. Another way to tell if it's a repro, the feet and the finial will be Opalescent
as shown in this photo. The old pieces in this pattern did not have any Opalescence
on the feet or the finial . These should not command high prices as they are not old.
Beware when buying! See old authentic version

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