Rubina Verde Opalescent
The item shown on the left is the rare "Water Pitcher". The pattern is also called "Hobbs Hobnail".
In the middle is a cute 3 1/2" Vase in a "Coinspot" pattern. On the right is the very rare "Syrup".
The name "Rubina Verde" means Ruby Green. This particular Green is actually Vaseline in Color.
The combination of the two colors is quite striking. Add to that the Opalescence of the Hobnails or
Coinspot patterns and you wind up with something only the masters from that era could create.

How Rubina Verde was created.


Rubina Verde Hobbs Brockunier Cruet (Inverted Thumbprint) * Ruby/Green $337.00
Rubina Verde Hobbs Brockunier Pitcher (Hobnail) * Ruby/Green $750.00
Rubina Verde Hobbs Brockunier Syrup (Hobnail) ** Ruby/Green $2,500.00
Rubina Verde Hobbs Brockunier Tumbler (Hobnail) ** Ruby/Green $611.00
Rubina Verde Hobbs Brockunier Vase 3 1/2" (Coinspot) * Ruby/Green $250.00

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