Fakes, Reproductions, and Brand New Opalescent Glass

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Tiny Twigs and Twigs (Panelled)

These are two different patterns. Tiny Twigs is the shorter version at 5" tall. Twigs (Panelled)
is the tall version at 7". Fakes have been found in both these patterns. These patterns
were originally made by Dugan. There are several ways to tell if these patterns are fake or not.
First is the ruffled top edge. The originals were not made this way.
View both patterns. (See Tiny Twigs). (See Twigs Panelled).
Another way to tell the fakes is seen in the photo below. Notice the branches at the base are
shaped different and the bark pattern is different. In the areas between the branches and the body
of the vases, the open area is closed in with a thin layer of solid glass. The originals do not
have this thin layer of glass. Notice the bark design on the base. The fakes have this design
extending only half way to the outside edge. The orginials have the bark design extending all
the way to the outside edge. Notice the branch design on the body of the originals. There is
fine detail of the bark design. On the fakes this detail is not there. The fakes have only been
found in Blue and Vaseline Opalescent but other colors may exist. Beware when buying.

Note: It's been speculated for years that L.G. Wright reproduced these but there is not proof of this.
These are clearly fakes and it's currently not known who the maker is.

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