Ruffles & Rings
The items shown are the "Novelty Bowl" and "Footed Nut Bowl".
Dr. Measell stated that he found in Heacocks notes this pattern number
and Heacock believed that Northwood made this pattern.

Note: This pattern was originally made by Jefferson Glass. When Jefferson
left the Steubenville, OH area in 1907 and moved to Follansbee, WV, they sold
many of their moulds and Northwood was able to purchase many of them. "Ruffles
& Rings" was one of them. Northwood later used these moulds to produce their Carnival
Glass items beginning around 1909. "Ruffles & Rings" shows up as an exterior
pattern used on some Northwood Carnival Glass pieces. Jefferson made the Opalescent
colors and Northwood made the Carnival Glass colors. To my knowledge, no Ruffles & Rings
pieces made in Opalescent glass has ever been found with the Northwood trademark N inside
a circle. Below is shown a Jefferson Glass Co. catelog page dated 1907 that clearly shows
the "Ruffles and Rings" dowl. Jefferson also made this pattern which included a Daisy design
on the outside edge. This pattern is referred to as "Ruffles & Rings with Daisy Band". It is harder to find.


Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Daisy Band Bowl Blue $75.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Daisy Band Bowl Green $75.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Daisy Band Bowl White $65.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Novelty Bowl Blue $50.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Novelty Bowl Green $45.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Novelty Bowl White $40.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Nut Bowl Blue $55.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Nut Bowl Green $50.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Nut Bowl White $45.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Rose Bowl Blue $60.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Rose Bowl Green $55.00
Ruffles & Rings Jefferson Rose Bowl White $45.00

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